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Cappella Sansevero, Art museum in Italy

The Cappella Sansevero is a former church that has been converted into an art museum. It is located in Naples, Italy.

Founded in 1593, the Cappella Sansevero holds an important place in Italian history.

Known for its artistic beauty, the Cappella Sansevero is a significant representation of Italian culture.

Included in the Italian national heritage list, the Cappella Sansevero welcomes thousands of visitors yearly.

The Veiled Christ, one of the most remarkable sculptures in the world, resides in the Cappella Sansevero.

Location: Naples

Inception: 1593

Architectural style: baroque architecture

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible

Opening Hours: Wednesday-Monday 09:00-19:00

Phone: +390815518470



Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


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