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Forbidden City, Imperial palace in Beijing

The Forbidden City is a large palace complex in Beijing, China, containing more than 980 surviving buildings with 8,704 rooms.

It served as the home of emperors and their households for almost 500 years, from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) to the end of the Qing dynasty (1644–1912).

The Forbidden City is a symbol of imperial power, reflected in its grand architecture and cultural significance.

Today, it's a museum that showcases Chinese history and houses numerous national treasures.

The Forbidden City is the world's largest palace complex and covers 72 hectares.

Location: Donghuamen Subdistrict

Inception: 1420

Architect: Kuai Xiang

Official opening: 1923


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Forbidden City Imperial palace in Beijing

The Forbidden City is a large palace complex in Beijing, China, containing more than 980 surviving buildings with 8,704 rooms.

China 0 m
Forbidden City
Forbidden City Imperial palace in Beijing
China 0 m
Hall of Supreme Harmony Imperial palace in Forbidden City, China.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony is the largest hall within the Forbidden City.

China 15 m
Hall of Supreme Harmony
Hall of Supreme Harmony Imperial palace in Forbidden City, China.
China 15 m
The Palace Museum National museum in China

The Palace Museum is an architectural treasure located in the heart of Beijing.

China 31 m
The Palace Museum
The Palace Museum National museum in China
China 31 m
Hall of Central Harmony Imperial hall in the Forbidden City

The Hall of Central Harmony is a smaller, square hall, used by the Emperor to prepare and rest before and during ceremonies.

China 74 m
Hall of Central Harmony
Hall of Central Harmony Imperial hall in the Forbidden City
China 74 m
Hall of Preserving Harmony Hall of Preserving Harmony in China

The Hall of Preserving Harmony is one of the three main halls within the Forbidden City.

China 134 m
Hall of Preserving Harmony
Hall of Preserving Harmony Hall of Preserving Harmony in China
China 134 m
Ice Storehouses Ice house in China

The Ice Storehouses are ancient refrigerators located within the Forbidden City.

China 164 m
Ice Storehouses
Ice Storehouses Ice house in China
China 164 m
Gate of Supreme Harmony Gate in the Forbidden City

The Gate of Supreme Harmony is the largest gate within Beijing's Forbidden City.

China 207 m
Gate of Supreme Harmony
Gate of Supreme Harmony Gate in the Forbidden City
China 207 m
Hall of Mental Cultivation Palace in Forbidden City, China

The Hall of Mental Cultivation is a building within the inner court of Beijing's Forbidden City.

China 306 m
Hall of Mental Cultivation
Hall of Mental Cultivation Palace in Forbidden City, China
China 306 m
Palace of Heavenly Purity Palace in China

The Palace of Heavenly Purity is the largest palace within the Forbidden City in Beijing.

China 329 m
Palace of Heavenly Purity
Palace of Heavenly Purity Palace in China
China 329 m
Hall of Military Prowess Palace in China

The Hall of Military Prowess is located within the Forbidden City in Beijing.

China 332 m
Hall of Military Prowess
Hall of Military Prowess Palace in China
China 332 m
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