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Jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge

Jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge

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Jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge, Suspension bridge in China

The Jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge connects the cities of Jiangyin and Jingjiang over the Yangtze River.

Its construction was completed on September 28, 1997.

It is a vital transport link in the Jiangsu province, greatly improving local economic development.

With its completion, the bridge significantly shortened travel time across the Yangtze River.

When opened, it was the fourth longest suspension bridge span in the world.

Location: Jiangyin

Inception: September 28, 1997

Official opening: 1999

Height: 190 m

Length: 3,071 m

Longest Span: 1,385 m

Material: concrete

Source: Wikimedia


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