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Irish Sea

Irish Sea

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Irish Sea, Sea in the United Kingdom

The Irish Sea separates the islands of Ireland and Great Britain.

It was a key trading route from the Middle Ages.

The sea supports marine life and coastal communities.

Ferries across the Irish Sea connect several major ports.

The Isle of Man sits centrally within the sea.

Source: Wikimedia


Irish Sea Sea in the United Kingdom

United Kingdom 0 m
Irish Sea
Irish Sea Sea in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom 0 m
Chicken Rock Lighthouse Lighthouse in Isle of Man

Isle of Man 41.7 km
Chicken Rock Lighthouse
Chicken Rock Lighthouse Lighthouse in Isle of Man
Isle of Man 41.7 km
Calf of Man Low Lighthouse Lighthouse on the Isle of Man

Isle of Man 43.3 km
Calf of Man Low Lighthouse
Calf of Man Low Lighthouse Lighthouse on the Isle of Man
Isle of Man 43.3 km
Calf of Man Lighthouse (1968) Lighthouse on the Isle of Man

Isle of Man 43.4 km
Calf of Man Lighthouse (1968)
Calf of Man Lighthouse (1968) Lighthouse on the Isle of Man
Isle of Man 43.4 km
Calf of Man High Lighthouse Lighthouse on the Isle of Man

Isle of Man 43.5 km
Calf of Man High Lighthouse
Calf of Man High Lighthouse Lighthouse on the Isle of Man
Isle of Man 43.5 km
Caigher Point, Calf of Man Hillfort in Rushen

Isle of Man 43.7 km
Caigher Point, Calf of Man
Caigher Point, Calf of Man Hillfort in Rushen
Isle of Man 43.7 km
Calf of Man Bird Observatory Bird observatory in the British Isles

Isle of Man 43.9 km
Calf of Man Bird Observatory
Calf of Man Bird Observatory Bird observatory in the British Isles
Isle of Man 43.9 km
Thousla Rock Lighthouse Lighthouse on the Isle of Man

Isle of Man 45.2 km
Thousla Rock Lighthouse
Thousla Rock Lighthouse Lighthouse on the Isle of Man
Isle of Man 45.2 km
Saint Peter's Church Church in Cregneish, Isle of Man

Isle of Man 47.1 km
Saint Peter's Church
Saint Peter's Church Church in Cregneish, Isle of Man
Isle of Man 47.1 km
Mull Hill Mountain in Isle of Man

Isle of Man 47.4 km
Mull Hill
Mull Hill Mountain in Isle of Man
Isle of Man 47.4 km
Perwick Bay

Isle of Man 47.8 km
Perwick Bay
Isle of Man 47.8 km
« Irish Sea - Sea in the United Kingdom » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.