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Aeolian Islands, Island group in Italy

The Aeolian Islands are a volcanic archipelago in the Tyrrhenian Sea north of Sicily.

Named after the demigod of the winds Aeolus, the islands have been inhabited since the Neolithic Age.

The islands are renowned for their perfect climate and are a popular tourist destination with a reputation for hospitality.

The largest island, Lipari, is geologically complex and the most developed.

The Aeolian Islands are listed by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites.

Location: Province of Messina

Population: 15419

Elevation above the sea: 926 m

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Aeolian Islands Island group in Italy

Italy 0 m
Aeolian Islands
Aeolian Islands Island group in Italy
Italy 0 m
Stromboli Active volcano in Italy

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Stromboli Active volcano in Italy
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Vulcano Active volcano in Sicily

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Vulcano Active volcano in Sicily
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Lipari Cathedral Co-cathedral in Italy

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Lipari Cathedral
Lipari Cathedral Co-cathedral in Italy
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Museo archeologico regionale eoliano (Lipari) Archaeological museum in Italy

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Museo archeologico regionale eoliano (Lipari)
Museo archeologico regionale eoliano (Lipari) Archaeological museum in Italy
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Castello di Lipari Medieval castle in Italy

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Castello di Lipari
Castello di Lipari Medieval castle in Italy
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Monte Fossa delle Felci
Monte Fossa delle Felci Mountain in Italy
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Strombolicchio Lighthouse Lighthouse in Italy

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Strombolicchio Lighthouse
Strombolicchio Lighthouse Lighthouse in Italy
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Monte dei Porri Mountain in Italy

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Monte dei Porri
Monte dei Porri Mountain in Italy
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Maria Santissima della Catena Church in Lipari, Italy

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Maria Santissima della Catena
Maria Santissima della Catena Church in Lipari, Italy
Italy 2.6 km
« Aeolian Islands - Island group in Italy » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.