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Pantheon, Ancient Roman temple in Italy

The Pantheon is a former Roman temple, now a Catholic church, in Rome, Italy.

Built by Agrippa in 27 BC, the Pantheon was rebuilt by Emperor Hadrian in 126 AD.

It's an iconic symbol of the Roman Empire and its architectural prowess.

Today, it serves as a popular tourist attraction and a place for worship.

The Pantheon boasts the world's largest unreinforced concrete dome.

Location: Rome

Inception: 2 Century

Architect: Apollodorus of Damascus

Architectural style: ancient Roman architecture

Height: 43.3 m

Length: 35 m

Width: 54.5 m

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible

Material: concrete

Opening Hours: Monday-Saturday 08:30-19:15; Sunday 09:00-17:45

Phone: +390668300230



Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


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