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Palazzo Balbi Giacomo e Pantaleo

Palazzo Balbi Giacomo e Pantaleo

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Palazzo Balbi Giacomo e Pantaleo, Palace in Italy

The Palazzo Balbi Senarega is a historic palace located in the Italian city of Genoa.

Constructed in the early 17th century, it was designed by architect Bartolomeo Bianco for the Balbi family.

This palace is a notable example of Genoese Baroque architecture.

Palazzo Balbi Senarega now serves as part of the set of buildings included in the Rolli di Genova, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Characterized by its rich decorations and frescoes, it stands as a symbol of the economic and social power of the Genoese aristocracy.

Location: Genoa

Architect: Bartolomeo Bianco

Address: Via Balbi, 4

Source: Wikimedia


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