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Ponta do Seixas

Ponta do Seixas

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Ponta do Seixas, Easternmost cape in Brazil

Ponta do Seixas is a prominent headland located near the city of João Pessoa.

The area around Ponta do Seixas was originally inhabited by indigenous peoples before European colonization.

The cape features the Cultural Space of the Lighthouse, where visitors can learn about local history.

Ponta do Seixas has a lighthouse, Farol do Cabo Branco, guiding ships and serving tourists.

It marks the easternmost point of the American continent.

Location: Paraíba

Source: Wikimedia


Ponta do Seixas Easternmost cape in Brazil

Brazil 0 m
Ponta do Seixas
Ponta do Seixas Easternmost cape in Brazil
Brazil 0 m
Cabo Branco Lighthouse Lighthouse in Paraíba, Brazil

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Cabo Branco Lighthouse
Cabo Branco Lighthouse Lighthouse in Paraíba, Brazil
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Cabo Branco beach Beach in João Pessoa

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Cabo Branco beach
Cabo Branco beach Beach in João Pessoa
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A Pedra do Reino Theatre Theater in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba

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A Pedra do Reino Theatre
A Pedra do Reino Theatre Theater in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba
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Cinépolis Mangabeira Cinema complex in the city of João Pessoa, Brazil

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Cinépolis Mangabeira
Cinépolis Mangabeira Cinema complex in the city of João Pessoa, Brazil
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Praia de Jacarapé Beach in João Pessoa municipality, Brazil

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Praia de Jacarapé
Praia de Jacarapé Beach in João Pessoa municipality, Brazil
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Praia de Tambaú Vibrant beach in Brazil

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Praia de Tambaú
Praia de Tambaú Vibrant beach in Brazil
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Praia do Arraial

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Praia do Arraial
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Mercado de Artesanato Paraibano Handicraft market located in the neighborhood of Manaíra, João Pessoa, Paraíba

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Mercado de Artesanato Paraibano
Mercado de Artesanato Paraibano Handicraft market located in the neighborhood of Manaíra, João Pessoa, Paraíba
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Museu José Lins do Rego Museum of the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba

Brazil 6.7 km
Museu José Lins do Rego
Museu José Lins do Rego Museum of the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba
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Cine Bangüê Art cinema movie theater installed at the José Lins do Rego Cultural space

Brazil 6.8 km
Cine Bangüê
Cine Bangüê Art cinema movie theater installed at the José Lins do Rego Cultural space
Brazil 6.8 km
« Ponta do Seixas - Easternmost cape in Brazil » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.