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Rivière des Remparts

Rivière des Remparts

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Rivière des Remparts, river in France

Rivière des Remparts is a dramatic river located on Reunion Island, France.

Originates from an ancient lava flow from the Piton de la Fournaise volcano.

The river symbolizes the rugged nature of the island's landscape in local culture.

Hiking trails along the river provide stunning views of its deep gorges.

Characterized by a canyon carved into the volcanic landscape of the island.

Location: Saint-Joseph

Source: Wikimedia


Rivière des Remparts River in France

France 0 m
Rivière des Remparts
Rivière des Remparts River in France
France 0 m
Cheminée Le Piton Cheminée à Saint-Joseph (Manche)

France 339 m
Cheminée Le Piton
Cheminée Le Piton Cheminée à Saint-Joseph (Manche)
France 339 m
Usine du Piton Ancienne usine sucrière à La Réunion

France 344 m
Usine du Piton
Usine du Piton Ancienne usine sucrière à La Réunion
France 344 m
Piton Babet

France 602 m
Piton Babet
France 602 m
Église Saint-Joseph Church located in La Réunion, in France

France 686 m
Église Saint-Joseph
Église Saint-Joseph Church located in La Réunion, in France
France 686 m
Usine Langevin Ancienne usine sucrière à La Réunion

France 3.1 km
Usine Langevin
Usine Langevin Ancienne usine sucrière à La Réunion
France 3.1 km
Cheminée Langevin Cheminée à Saint-Joseph (La Réunion)

France 3.1 km
Cheminée Langevin
Cheminée Langevin Cheminée à Saint-Joseph (La Réunion)
France 3.1 km
Chapelle Sainte-Marguerite de Petite-Île Chapel located in La Réunion, in France

France 4.6 km
Chapelle Sainte-Marguerite de Petite-Île
Chapelle Sainte-Marguerite de Petite-Île Chapel located in La Réunion, in France
France 4.6 km
Villa des Brises House in Petite-Île, France

France 4.7 km
Villa des Brises
Villa des Brises House in Petite-Île, France
France 4.7 km
Cascade du Trou noir Waterfall in France

France 6.7 km
Cascade du Trou noir
Cascade du Trou noir Waterfall in France
France 6.7 km
Piton Grande Anse

France 7.1 km
Piton Grande Anse
France 7.1 km
« Rivière des Remparts - river in France » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.