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Musée de Minéralogie

Musée de Minéralogie

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Musée de Minéralogie, Mineralogy museum in France

The Musée de Minéralogie hosts a collection of over 100,000 mineral specimens.

Established in 1794, the museum houses historic gems and minerals collections.

It showcases the geological diversity and mineralogical treasures of the world.

Located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, it is accessible to mineralogy enthusiasts and scholars alike.

Features one of the world's most pristine systematic collection of minerals.

Location: 6th arrondissement of Paris

Inception: 1794

Founder: René Just Haüy

Opening Hours: Tuesday-Friday 13:30-18:00; Saturday 10:00-12:30,14:00-17:00

Phone: +33140519290


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


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