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Ephesus, Ancient city in Turkey

Ephesus was a grand city in the classical Greek era, on the coast of Ionia.

It used to be one of the twelve cities of the Ionian League during the Classical Greek period.

The Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, was located in Ephesus.

Today, the ruins of Ephesus are a major tourist attraction in Turkey.

Ephesus contains one of the seven churches of Asia addressed in the Book of Revelation.

Location: İzmir Province

Location: Selçuk

Inception: 10 Century BCE

Founder: Androclus


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Ephesus Ancient city in Turkey

Ephesus was a grand city in the classical Greek era, on the coast of Ionia.

Turkey 0 m
Ephesus Ancient city in Turkey
Turkey 0 m
Stadium (Ephesus) Large stadium located on the north-west side of the Panayirdag in Ephesus

Turkey 292 m
Stadium (Ephesus)
Stadium (Ephesus) Large stadium located on the north-west side of the Panayirdag in Ephesus
Turkey 292 m
Archaeological site of Ephesus Archaeological site in Turkey

The Archaeological site of Ephesus houses the remains of one of the greatest cities of the Greeks in Asia Minor.

Turkey 294 m
Archaeological site of Ephesus
Archaeological site of Ephesus Archaeological site in Turkey
Turkey 294 m
Theater Gymnasium (Ephesus) Bath-gymnasium located across the street from the theater in Ephesus

Turkey 331 m
Theater Gymnasium (Ephesus)
Theater Gymnasium (Ephesus) Bath-gymnasium located across the street from the theater in Ephesus
Turkey 331 m
Church of Mary (Ephesus) Christian church in Turkey

The Church of Mary is a religious building located in Ephesus.

Turkey 408 m
Church of Mary (Ephesus)
Church of Mary (Ephesus) Christian church in Turkey
Turkey 408 m
Agora of Ephesus An ancient square in İzmir

Turkey 530 m
Agora of Ephesus
Agora of Ephesus An ancient square in İzmir
Turkey 530 m
South Gate of the Agora (Ephesus) Three-arched gate located between the library of Celsus and the Tetragonos Agora in Ephesus

Turkey 612 m
South Gate of the Agora (Ephesus)
South Gate of the Agora (Ephesus) Three-arched gate located between the library of Celsus and the Tetragonos Agora in Ephesus
Turkey 612 m
Scholastikia Baths (Ephesus) Bath complex along the Curetes Street surrounding the corner insula M1 and latrine in Ephesus

Turkey 630 m
Scholastikia Baths (Ephesus)
Scholastikia Baths (Ephesus) Bath complex along the Curetes Street surrounding the corner insula M1 and latrine in Ephesus
Turkey 630 m
Library of Celsus Ancient library in Ephesus, Turkey.

The Library of Celsus is an ancient Roman building in Ephesus, Anatolia, now part of Selçuk, Turkey.

Turkey 634 m
Library of Celsus
Library of Celsus Ancient library in Ephesus, Turkey.
Turkey 634 m
Parthian Monument Monument in Austria

The Parthian Monument is a renowned group of sculptures.

Austria 637 m
Parthian Monument
Parthian Monument Monument in Austria
Austria 637 m
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