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San Pedro Forest Reserve

San Pedro Forest Reserve

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San Pedro Forest Reserve, natural reserve in Venezuela

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Canaima National Park National park in Venezuela

Canaima National Park is a 30,000 km2 park in the south-east of Venezuela that borders Brazil and Guyana.

Venezuela 72.7 km
Canaima National Park
Canaima National Park National park in Venezuela
Venezuela 72.7 km
Laguna de Canaima Lagoon in Venezuela

The Canaima Lagoon is surrounded by waterfalls including the famous Angel Falls.

Venezuela 72.1 km
Laguna de Canaima
Laguna de Canaima Lagoon in Venezuela
Venezuela 72.1 km
Sapo Falls Waterfall in Venezuela

Sapo Falls is a breathtaking waterfall located in Canaima National Park.

Venezuela 70.4 km
Sapo Falls
Sapo Falls Waterfall in Venezuela
Venezuela 70.4 km
Anatoly Island Eiland in Venezuela

Venezuela 71 km
Anatoly Island
Anatoly Island Eiland in Venezuela
Venezuela 71 km
El Frio Forest Reserve

Venezuela 56 km
El Frio Forest Reserve
Venezuela 56 km
Suspension bridge over Cuyuní river Bridge in Venezuela

Venezuela 85.4 km
Suspension bridge over Cuyuní river
Venezuela 85.4 km
La Paragua Forest Reserve Natural reserve in Venezuela

Venezuela 68.9 km
La Paragua Forest Reserve
La Paragua Forest Reserve Natural reserve in Venezuela
Venezuela 68.9 km
Angel Falls Waterfall in Venezuela

Angel Falls is the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall, with a height of 979 meters and a plunge of 807 meters.

Venezuela 82.9 km
Angel Falls
Angel Falls Waterfall in Venezuela
Venezuela 82.9 km
El Dorado - Tumeremo Forest Reserve Natural reserve in Venezuela

Venezuela 107.5 km
El Dorado - Tumeremo Forest Reserve
El Dorado - Tumeremo Forest Reserve Natural reserve in Venezuela
Venezuela 107.5 km
« San Pedro Forest Reserve - natural reserve in Venezuela » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.